Welcome to Lost Valley Ranch Wines, we are glad you're here! Visit Soon
We love to share our passion for this “Lost Valley” but please note we are not open to the public. If you wish to schedule a tasting, please contact us at (612) 221-8789 or deb@lostvalleyranchwines.com
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Ivan comes to us from a country with over 2,500 years of wine production. He brings this history and his experience to bear as a consulting winemaker for Lost Valley Ranch Wines. He earned his enological degree from Crimean Agrotech University. He earned his chops working at all scales of vineyards and wineries across Ukraine, Switzerland, Germany, Moldova, Italy, and now Napa Valley.
Ivan guides the harvest, production, and bottling of all LVR Wines. Coupled with his love of wine and keen sensory abilities, his penchant for engineering and mechanics continually improve the process and quality of our wines.
The native Ukrainian found his way to Napa in the fall of 2022 thanks to the Napa Valley to Ukraine organization. When not found making, bottling, or consuming wine, he can be found geeking out on wine equipment and enjoying music.
Debra and her partner Eric live at the Lost Valley Ranch farm and vineyard, Cordero Vineyards. She is Owner of Lost Valley Ranch Wines, established in 2023. She earned her Winemaking Certificate from UC Davis and works as overall vintner and manager of LVR Wines.
She comes from a long career in sustainable architecture and has applied that experience and passion to agriculture and wine making. The ranch is certified sustainable through CSWA and a verified Micro-Winery through Save the Family Farms.
When she is not making or managing the wine, she can be found outside at the ranch in her element, picking wildflowers, petting fluffy friends or wrangling mowing equipment.